Discusses Crossdressing

 Asalaam Alaikum (Peace be upon you)

I wrote the following on the thread of a very good Christian friend of mine who posted a video of a Christian Preacher asking a Man dressed as a Woman to leave the church. I shared the video as well. As I read through the comments on my friends post, made by even some of our mutual Christian friends, I was perplexed by the number of people that felt the Preacher was wrong as they defended the Man coming to church dressed like a Woman.

So.....I am sharing this now for two reasons. Not for any personal recognition, surely Alhamdulilah in all things.

I) To show any Christians that read this that Islam is the answer for all of this nonsense. The Qur'an provides an answer for LITERALLY any issue that we will ever experience. You doubt this? PICK A TOPIC....I will prove it Insha Allah (God Willing)

2) To demonstrate to my Muslim Brothers and Sisters how blessed you are to have been born into Islam, or guided to Islam as I was over 30 years ago.

Asalaam Alaikum (peace be upon you)

Respectfully ....Islam eliminates these issues. Allow me to briefly explain why.

I) Men and Women worship separately so as not to be a distraction to one another. Because the crossdresser is male, he would not be allowed on the Women's side. He would not dare step foot on the male side dressed like a Woman. The Men would never ever allow it.

2) Both Men and Women must dress modestly as Muslims. This is so that the Muslim does not draw anyone's attention into lust at any time. Not just when we attend the Masjid. Which by the way happens five times daily and not once a week. We do not attend dressed to impress. There is no "Sunday's best" mentality. The Muslim must be modest so as not to oppress others in any way. Some people have money and they like to flaunt it. EVEN IN CHURCH. That is arrogance and oppression of others who may be struggling financially. Modesty puts a stop to that in Islam. We line up shoulder to shoulder as equals before God despite one's status, race, national origin, or financial situation. Why? Because we love for our brothers what we love for ourselves and we do not want to make them feel less by showboating, and we do not want to distract them from fully focusing on God.

3) Modesty again. Eliminates this issue. There is no "Turn around and hug the person beside you moment" in the house of God. That doesn't mean that we do not hug. But the Muslim male is not to touch a Woman that is not his wife and vice versa. There are no Women mingled in with Men. The Muslim Women do not have cleavage or legs showing. There are no tight fitting clothes showing her body. There is no getting up in skimpy outfits doing praise dances arousing the suspicions of man's lust for Women. Let's be real with it. Men like looking at Women. A modest Woman (and Man) stops sin in its tracks! First for themselves for respect and obedience for God. Then for their Brother and Sister who don't have a chance to lust after them because they are dressed modestly. Muslims do not go around hugging on other men's wives and giving them an extra little squeeze or soft touch in an effort to send a signal. Uh uh......NOT IN ISLAM.

I say all of this because all of this prevents a person from mocking our Creator, our religion, other people, and the house of prayer. It is a blatant mockery of our Creator for a Man to dress like and proclaim himself a Woman. PROVE IT. Did you create yourself? No....THEN HOW CAN YOU RECREATE WHAT GOD ALREADY CREATED?

Then you want to oppress the God Given logic and reason of others by expecting people to mock God by pretending along with you that you are a Woman while you have testicles???? NOT ME SCOOTER!!

This is not a judgment. This is right vs wrong.

The Qur'an says :

"When truth comes, falsehood must flee"

And it says

"Truth has been made clear from error"

Yet in this thread alone people have tried to oppress the truth while embracing falsehood. People have suggested the male was mistreated while pushing our Creator to the side by doing so. Who is mistaken in this situation, the Man dressed as a Woman that he can never be, or God who designed the 23 Chromosomes from his father and the other 23 Chromosomes from his Mother to combine to make the 46 Chromosomes necessary for a human being to come into existence? Should we mock our Creator and Designer to defend one who rejects his genetic design, and who wants to don Women's designs and fashion apparel while being a man?

I repeat.....

This is a very serious period in humanity. The Day of Judgement is approaching and we will be gathered together in groups of those that we used to emulate in this life. The thief with thieves, the Adulterer with Adulterers, the rejecters of truth with the rejecters of truth.

Fear that day of retribution.

This is not an attack against Christianity. It is a chance to share the beauty and truth of Islam. There were some Christians in the thread that said the Preacher was right.

May Allah make us all of those who reject falsehood as the acceptors of truth. And may Allah guide us to stand amongst the righteous on that glorious day for those who have a humble and respected fear of Allah as our Creator.

Asalaam Alaikum (peace be upon you)

Kenny Bomer
Author of the forthcoming book


This life is a series of tests and trials.


Nigar Ali

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