Muslim Couples,

Know your enemy well.
Know how he works.
Know how he plans.
Know how he strikes.
Know that he NEVER takes a break.

When you start doubting each other and becoming suspicious, his interest in you peaks and you don’t leave his gaze.

When you start to tear each other down with baseless attacks, he is fully invested and never leaves your side.

When you mock & humiliate each other with vicious words, he mocks you both relentlessly while supplying you each with more ammunition.

When you don’t speak, cut each other off, keep your distance from one another, he celebrates every minute of your agony knowing his work is almost done.

His ultimate goal is to dehumanize you to one another, and turn you into something dark and threatening, something just like HIM.

When you no longer see a person with a heart & soul, someone you once loved, the mother or father of your children, the person you made a vow to protect, care for, and honor...but instead a dark entity that threatens you and brings out all of your defenses, then he’s succeeded.

The only way to fight him is to know who the REAL THREAT is: HIM.

If you remove him from the equation and start to REMEMBER the good of your spouse, and all of the qualities that drew you to them in the first place then all of your enemy’s efforts are in vain.

But if you purposely deny, forget, erase, avoid ever mentioning or giving credit for your spouse’s good deeds, qualities, or attributes, then you are only aiding and abetting your enemy.

Remember the good and let it flood your heart with goodness so that you leave no room for anything else. InshaAllah, soon you’ll see that good begets good and your spouse will reciprocate in kind.

May ï·² protect you both from your mutual enemy and from every evil force in creation that endeavors to tear you apart. Amin.

 "A believing man should not hate a believing woman. If he dislikes something in her character, he should be pleased with some other trait of hers." (Muslim)

Nigar Ali

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