My Dear Fellow Muslim-Americans,

Once you sell your soul and compromise your beliefs don't think you’ll gain anything except a lifetime of misery and a crippling void in your spiritual heart.

No matter how good the deal or the bargain sounds, know with certainty that anything that requires you to betray your principles, values, and beliefs is a CLEAR DECEPTION intended to bring about your demise.

Don’t do it for ANYONE or ANYTHING.
Don’t do it for some false notion of love, justice, or courage.
Don’t do it for political progress or career advancement.
Don’t do it for wealth, status, or to climb some useless social ladder.
Don’t do it for likes and shares.
Don’t do it to ingratiate yourself to those who abhor you secretly, but will openly praise you to push their own agendas.

Don’t do it PERIOD.

Be people of substance; of honesty, dignity, ethics, bravery, honor, nobility, prophetic legacy, and most importantly of God consciousness.

Be people who stand up for truth and don’t cower to those with false power.

Be people with the knowledge and the integrity to defend your beliefs without ever imposing them onto others.

Be people who are more concerned with pleasing God than pleasing people.

Be people who can distinguish between right and wrong and do not blur the lines of what God accepts and what He rejects.

Be people with minds of your own who think independently and use the faculties of reasoning and discernment that God has blessed you with.

Be people who have conviction that God’s religion is perfect and His will and decree will be fulfilled regardless of how many people deny Him or think otherwise.

STOP watering down your faith.
STOP sugar-coating the bitter medicine we all must sometimes take.
STOP distorting the truth and replacing it with falsehood to win over the approval of people who like you and I will die and be called into account by the All-Knowing, All-Seeing.

Be MUSLIMS first and last, in private and in public, in action and in word, and know that God is Ever-Watchful of who is true and sincere in their belief and who isn’t.

May God protect our community (especially our youth) with the showering and blessed rains of truth and let not even a spark from the fast spreading fires of falsehood ever reach us. Amin.

Nigar Ali

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